Grover Cleveland Museum:
No Presidential Library is complete without a museum for visitors to learn about the president’s life, administration, and lasting significance.
Proposals for the Museum under consideration
a) The proposal is for the Birthplace parlor is to focus on Grover Cleveland’s personal life including (but not limited to) his family, hobbies, and relationships with staff at the White House.
b) The focus of the Grover Cleveland Museum will be to interpret Grover Cleveland’s political life, achievements, his guiding principle “A Public office is a Public trust,” in historical context, and Grover Cleveland’s significance & relevance to a modern audience. It will tell the story of his political life from elected offices in Buffalo to the end of his second term
While much work needs to be done to determine how to best use the space for interpretation some ideas include:
- Considering Grover Cleveland’s commitment to civic duty, the space will have a focus on civics relevant to students of all ages. Grover Cleveland encouraged all citizens to become educated voters, take on civic duties, insist on ethics in government, and for any who are up to the task, serve the country by entering politics; locally, or on the state or national level. Future leaders from any socio-economic background, race, religion, or identity can visit the Grover Cleveland Museum to learn how to become a more actively engaged citizen and to discover what “Good Citizenship” means for them personally.
- An exploration of Grover Cleveland’s public policies (such as use of the veto, strong money position, tariff policy) and their relevance today.
- Interactive and digital exhibits to enliven the experience and maximize the use of a small space
- Rotating exhibits to encourage visitors to return frequently including a focus on the history of Caldwell in consideration of visitors interested in local history.
The Grover Cleveland Museum will also provide an ability to expand hours for public programming without additional staff. We can also creatively use the Grover Cleveland Museum for other purposes by leveraging locked cases for the artifacts, stanchions, exhibits on wheels, etc.